Entrepreneurship Featured Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki — Book Summary and Notes Having two dads offered Robert T. Kiyosaki the luxury of observing the effects of two contrasting perspectives: the Poor Dad, and the Rich Dad.
Entrepreneurship Featured Start With Why — Book Summary and Notes Why do you do what you do? Why are some people and organizations more innovative, more influential, and more profitable than others?
Psychology Featured The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel — Book Summary and Notes In what other industry does someone with no college degree, training, background, formal experience, and connections massively outperform someone with the best education, training, and contacts?
Personal Development Steal Like An Artist by Austin Kleon: Book Summary Copy your heroes work and use it as a springboard to find your style. Let neither praise nor criticism drive you off track. Remember to have fun.
Paid-members only Technology Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport: Book Summary A philosophy that accepts new technologies, but not if the price is dehumanisation. Maximise the benefits of technology and avoid the pitfalls from compulsive use.
Entrepreneurship Rich Dad's Cashflow Quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki: Book Summary An Employee (E) works for the system. A Self-Employed (S) is the system. A Business (B) controls the system. An Investor (I) invests money into the system.
Psychology How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie: Book Summary Techniques in Handling People: Don’t Criticise, Condemn or Complain. Give Honest and Sincere Appreciation. Appeal to there interests.
Entrepreneurship The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss — Book Summary and Notes Most people want to be millionaires, but what we truly desire is the freedom associated with a millionaire’s lifestyle.
Personal Development The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson — Book Summary and Notes Our culture today is obsessively focused on unrealistically optimistic expectations. We "must" always strive for more—more happiness, more money, and be more successful than the rest.
Personal Development Show Your Work by Austin Kleon — Book Summary and Notes Share Your Creativity: Provide value for a long time and expect nothing in return. Share your thoughts, your process and your work online periodically, no matter how small.
Philosophy Meditations by Marcus Aurelius — Book Summary and Notes Written in Greek by the only Roman emperor who was also a philosopher, without any intention of publication, the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius offer a remarkable series of challenging spiritual reflection.
Personal Development Love For Imperfect Things by Haemin Sunim — Book Summary and Notes Haemin Sunim shows us how to cultivate more love, compassion, and wisdom to find beauty in the most imperfect things–including your very own self
Psychology Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker — Book Summary and Notes When did life start sleeping? What if sleep is so helpful that the real question is: Why did life ever bother to wake up?
Entrepreneurship Anything You Want by Derek Sivers — Book Summary and Notes Ten Years of Experience in 10 Mins. Business is not about making money. It’s about making dreams come true for others and yourself.
Personal Development Never Split The Difference by Chris Voss — Book Summary and Notes At some point, your career, finances, reputation, love life, and even the fate of your kids all hinge on your ability to negotiate.
Personal Development Four Thousand Weeks By Oliver Burkeman — Book Summary and Notes What ambitious investment is meaningful to undertake today, if you could come to terms with never seeing the results?
Technology Algorithms To Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions — Book Summary and Notes What if we applied computer science to decision-making in everyday life? An algorithm is not just a series of steps used to solve computing problems, but rather it provides a better standard to compare human cognition itself. * Optimal Stopping: Teaches us when to look and when to leap for an
Paid-members only Entrepreneurship Unscripted: The Rat Race Script The SCRIPT. It’s not seen or touched, but it is there. Like the air you breathe, it’s invisibly omnipresent.
Personal Development Everything is Relative: The Power of Perspective Taking Opening this article is one of 35,000 decisions you're making today. Every day, we're faced with choices, but what if we stopped for a moment and looked at these decisions?
Philosophy The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday — Book Summary and Notes Four Habits of the Stoic Mind 1. Accept only what is true. 2. Work for the common good. 3. Match your needs and wants with what is in our control. 4. Embrace what nature has in store for us. Why Stoicism Matters Practiced by the rich and the impoverished, the
Personal Development Featured The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene — Book Summary and Notes Learning the Game of Power: * Master your emotions. * Play with appearances. * Shift your perspective on the world. * Learn from those who came before you. * See circumstances rather than good or evil. * Never discriminate as to whom you study and whom you trust. * Never get caught up in gauging someone’s
Paid-members only Personal Development Lone Wolf to Dream Team: A lifelong journey of self-improvement
Personal Development Think Like A Monk by Jay Shetty — Book Summary and Notes Jay Shetty distills the timeless wisdom he learned as a monk into practical steps anyone can follow to live a more meaningful life.
Personal Development Make Time: How To Focus on What Matters by Jake Knapp & John Zeratsky — Book Notes and Summary Make time is a framework for choosing what you want to focus on, building the energy to do it, and breaking the default cycle.
Entrepreneurship Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill — Book Summary and Notes Our thoughts create our reality. If we know what we want, desire, and pursue it persistently, we can think it into being. If we become success-conscious, we can achieve riches; if we allow ourselves to become failure-conscious instead, failure is what we will get