Five Stages of CAS: Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners


  • Identify your interests skills, talents and areas for personal growth and development.
  • Investigate what you want to do and determine the purpose for your experience
  • In case of service: Identify what community need you want to address
  • ​Identify a goal
  • Select and ask a supervisor
  • Complete your proposal
  • Start keeping an activity log


  • Clarify roles and responsibilities
  • Develop a plan of action
  • Identify resources
  • Create a timeline
  • If necessary acquire skills need to engage in the experience


  • ​Implement your plans and collect evidence of the action taken
  • Keep an activity log of what is happening


  • You will reflect after each stage of the framework as you can see in the diagram. Reflection needs to be ongoing. Throughout the stages you will keep a process log in your portfolio.
  • Your reflections should describe what happened, express feelings, generate ideas, and raise questions.
  • After the action phase is finished you will do a self-evaluation reflection in which you evaluate your development in the learning outcomes selected and the achievement of the goal.


  • You will demonstrate your engagement and development in the experience in your CAS portfolio.
  • You will make sure that each time when you finish something for stages, you will upload it on your portfolio to show that you are working on it on a regular basis until the experience is completed.
  • If you have done 'Creativity', you will have to present your work somehow, this can be in a mini exhibition or performing your music on a special occasion.
  • When your experience/project is finished you need to demonstrate your supervisor review on your CAS portfolio.

Five Stages of CAS Infographic

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